Monday, September 10, 2018

On Top Ork

I finished this guy this past Thursday, but I haven't posted him since I generally don't get much hobby stuff done during my work "week" (Friday through Sunday, 12 hour shifts), plus I've been waiting to try photographing my minis outdoors in natural light.

Naturally, it has been raining all week here in Texas so that hasn't happened.

Just an old Rogue Trader-era Ork boy, that I've applied the darker skin tone to. I actually started him the same time that I did the Grenadier plastic Orcs, but finished him separately. I'm OK with the skin color, but I'll try to lighten it up on future Orcs. Most likely I'll be mixing skin tones within units anyway, as I'm sure they can vary from boy to boy, just like humies.

"On Top". 

Oops, looks like I'll need to paint his claws. It's always something.

Nothing fancy here - I'm kind of at the point where I just want to get miniatures painted without worrying about fancy blending techniques. I knocked this guy out pretty quickly (for me), and that's about as satisfying as getting a "perfect" paint job. Plus, he's an Ork. They're pretty scruffy-looking anyway. :)

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