Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Fantasy Tribe Skeletons

Yes, yes - yet another post about something I painted a couple months ago, but it's new to YOU, good reader!

Two 'orrid little Citadel skeletons from their old Fantasy Tribes line. These were literally among the first miniatures I ever owned, being given to me by my parents for my 13th birthday. Yes, it took me 34 years to get around to painting them.

Not 100% happy with how they turned out, but then again, they're pretty rough sculpts. However, seeing them painted on my desk never fails to bring a smile to my face, as it reminds me of when this whole "Gaming" tomfoolery was a new and wonderful unknown to me.

By today's standards, these are some seriously dinky little guys - more like halflings in their proportions. I tried for a dirty, faded look on the clothing, but making black look anything other than overhighlighted is currently beyond me. Add some rust on the metal and some gold on the crown (Liches LOVE crowns) and my oldest gaming companions are complete.

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