Saturday, November 27, 2021

"But They Don't Live In A Cave..."

 Tonight's offering is a set of Reaper's "Black Bear Clan" cavemen - plus one - for the game "Palaeo Diet - Eat or be Eaten" game.

L to R - Thug, Klunk, Ooga, Thunk, Ugh.

The "plus one" is, of course, a Citadel "Big Momma" barbarian girl (aka, Ooga). I found her while I was getting minis together for Palaeo Diet, and figured that she'd fit in well as an extra spear if needed. Naturally, she's a metal mini where the guys are all Reaper Bones Black.

"Werewolf?" "There wolf!"

Bones Black, as I may or may not have mentioned, is a vast improvement over original Bones, but it can still be a pig's ear to work with. As you can see, I left more than my usual share of mold lines on them, because they don't come off all that easy. Also, there is still a problem with warped parts, as seen with Ugh's spear. No matter how many hot water treatments it got, it still went back to the curved position. 

A solo of Ooga, cos I liked how her face turned out.

A fun little diversion. Of course, I still have a lot of wildlife to paint and some appropriate scenery (including a warped - surprise, surprise - hut) as well, but this stuff is fairly quick and easy to paint. I'll also look to see if I have any other "Big Momma" figures that might work for the game (seriously, who at old Citadel came up with that name?).

"Klunk, yoo idgit!"

Well, time to get on my backlog of commission work for Ral Partha Legacy - work and such was keeping me from getting that stuff done, but now I better get cracking!

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Chaos Amazon

 ...or Kinky Chaosette, if you wanna be nasty.

/Janet Jackson

The Hair that ate Marienburg

Here she is, Michael Perry's Chaos Amazon/Amazonia Gothique/Kinky Chaosette, painted as a Champion of Khorne (naturally) and a shield design that came out of nowhere. I didn't really want to do the usual asymmetrical demon face shield that you usually see given this mini, but I wanted to try something challenging.

Needless to say, unless you've been living under a rock (or just not into gaming miniatures - so why are you here? :P), you know that this figure was based off of John Blanche's excellent "Amazonia Gothique" painting.

The face of a woman who is not worried about you.

Supposedly this is a rare-ish mini (recasters aside). Having said that, I really don't remember when/where I got this one. I got her a long time ago, but surely not way back in the 80s when she was sculpted, so not part of the White Dwarf promotion. Ah well, I guess it is a mystery.

A year or two ago, Games Workshop released a special character for the new Necromunda that is heavily based on this miniature. 

Strong family resemblance.

...yeah, I really need to get her too. Probably paint her the same way, as well.

A last shot of her against an experimental canvas painted by the missus:

Seems fitting!

Hmmmmmmm, just learned that Hasslefree has been working on this one too...

Yes, please, I'll take two!