Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Slap Chop Starship

A friend of mine has got me into the Monday Knight Productions game "Glactic Knights", the successor to the ancient "Star Fleet Wars" game using the Superior Models ships sculpts. I still have mine from the mid 80s (Aquarians, mostly), and had bought more from MKP in anticipation of playing "A Billion Suns" with them - a game, I might add, that really didn't resonate with me. With our first game coming up, I resolved to have a small fleet done by mid-October. To do that I'll need to take some cheap and dirty shortcuts, which I really don't have a problem doing with these ships. Here is the first off the production line, an Aquarian Piranha-Class Destroyer named U-96 (the word "destroyer" starts with "U" in Aquarian, really) of the 9th Aquarian Floatilla :D...
As you can see, no real fucks were given to neatness or scheme - the colors just happened as I noodled along, the only real stipulation is that my Aquarian fleet is dark grey. In fact, it's almost exactly the same scheme as the one I settled on in the 80s (but slightly better, and with less Testor's enamels). It'll be good to get these old ships back out on the table again - hope there's an option for self-destructs, because I really want to play this at least once during the game:
Shoot - didn't work - it's a video of the 10 minute countdown of the Nostromo's self-destruct sequence. Maybe I'll fix the link (no probably not ;) ).

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