Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Just Boosting Post Count - Nothing to See Here...

 Here are some quick quickies - Reaper Bones "Wall of Fire" spell effects. I mostly put them together with "Paleo Diet - Eat or Be Eaten" in mind, but could be used for anything. 

Heheheheheh, Fire! FIRE!

Simple enough, really - slap translucent flame on 40mm wooden disks that I've had forever, flock, partially paint flock black, attempt OSL and DONE. Might get a pack or two more (three per $5 pack - decent enough) depending on how pyromanic the players with torches get.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

More Turd Polishing

 Easy stuff this time. 

To start - I really like Reaper Miniatures and their crazy-ass offerings, but I never really could get behind their Bones line. For sure, the material has improved to the point that it little resembles the bendy unworkable crap that it once was, but it still has issues that annoy the hell out of me - not being able to use spray primer/sealer on them being a big one. Warped spears, swords, etc. being a close second.

Bless their hearts though; Reaper has put a LOT of effort in promoting the Bones line, even resorting to giving them away by the handful (especially true of the early white ones). Swag bags, paint-n-take tables, you name it. 

Naturally, this lands me with miniatures that I'd never buy and have no idea what to do with them. Here, that is realized in the following two miniatures, a couple of sea hag types (the tall one has a name like Mags Grindylow or summat). These sat in a parts box for a loooong time until I started reading Robert Howard's original Conan stories. I always loved that a lot of his supranational entities were often vague shadows, sometimes with animalistic characteristics (the critters in "The Phoenix on the Sword" and "The Scarlet Citadel" are a little like this).

Hey, says I - rather than try to paint these bendy, low detail bits of nonsense with a good paint job, why not paint them black with a couple indifferent drybrushings and call it a day? And if I feel REALLY frisky, I can use OSL on their glowing eyes...

Something something bad photos

I probably did the most work on prep with these things - attempt to remove mold lines, base them and (in the case of Mags), cut off the S-shaped trident pole and affix it directly to her arm, rather than use her low-detail empty fist. Some first time attempts at OSL for the eyes (Mags was the second attempt and far better), and that's it. Probably 30 minutes paint time each, blindingly fast for me.

Boring butts

Hah, yeah, bad pics again. These are a lot darker in reality than here. But now I have a couple shadowy minions for any game I care to use them in. Not bad for a couple of hopeless throwaway-level figures!