Nothing special, just most of a team of Dark Eldar Wyches for my Teams Arena of blood project. you'll see that the Hellion isn't in the picture, because I haven't figured out how I want to paint it yet...
As you can see, I was originally going to have them photographed on the AoB mat that came with White Dwarf, but my ineptitude with photography got the better of me - try as I might, they looked too yellow in the pictures! I do know that adding white helps fix this problem, so I went the shittiest route possible and slapped a white piece of plasticard in there. It helped, at least. ;)
Things leaned from this batch -
- Sculptors really need to not put eyebrows on 28mm scale miniatures. Two of these guys had brows that I just couldn't paint as flesh and be done with it, so I did them up as hairy brows. The result is pretty awful.
- The Wych Succubus makes a great Beastmaster, what with that whip.
- Drybrushing has made it into my heart once again.
Not much else to say - no time to really figure out better pictures with school breathing down my neck. At least I got something done!