Monday, January 6, 2020

Late For Gnollvember

As usual, I paint something and then forget to blog it. In this case, I painted up a trio of gnolls for the "Gnollvember" thing from the Ral Partha Harag Skullsmasher and his Gnoll Raiders box set that came out in the early '90s. I didn't care much about them being gnolls (although they have become one of my favorite humanoid monsters over the years), but I was certainly excited about using them in my 2nd Edition WH40K Chaos army as a unit or two of Khornegor - that is, beastmen aligned to the Chaos god, Khorne.

Yes, I know gnolls are basically hyena-men, and hyenas are felids, not canids but work with me here...

Yep, ol' Harag has a bolt pistol. Better than the tiddly dagger he was originally waving around.
In actuality, I painted these in December instead of No(Gnoll)vember. Oh well, I don't really keep up with internet painting fads. 

25 years old, and these are still very nice miniatures. Good size, detailing that one would expect from Partha stuff; the only real letdown is the meh poses that seemed to plague the Battlesystem sets (and again, Partha in general). The gnoll box has 17 minis in it - one leader (Harag), one flind shaman (who looks like a Mardi Gras drag queen), and 15 mooks, in 3 different sculpts. As seen in the photos, I chose two in my favorite sculpt. the third is in a weird crouching, jazz-hand pose that I'm going to need to work a bit for it to look decent.

Freehand shield. No Free Willies.
I didn't like the integrated bases, so I trimmed them a bit to fit into some 32mm bases from Wrath of Kings and am fairly pleased with the result. I don't care about tournaments or any real "official" gaming, so I'm not to fussed about the size or shape. They're big enough to justify the base size, so even better. Sadly, they will never see a game of 2nd edition painted (yes, yes, I was a horrible person who used unpainted miniatures in his games) as I don't have a copy any more. Rogue Trader edition, however I do have, along with the StD book.

"Oh, ARSE!!"
Edit: Ok, so I don't know WTF I did to the format here, so this post is just gonna look weird...

Edit, edit: Forgot to mention - these are the first miniatures that I painted wearing my new reader glasses. I feel that there is a HUGE improvement in the quality of my work over the stuff done in the past year or so. It took me a while to get used to them (still not, really) which is why these gnolls took a while to finish. Wearing glasses is uncomfortable to me, but I can't argue with the results.


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