Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Things We Fight Over

I knocked out some terrain pieces a week or so ago; I kept coming across them while I was doing a clean-up of my hobby area and figured they were just asking to be done :)

Pegasus Hobbies buttresses formed into a Gothic Gazebo

These old 3rd edition 40K chestnuts - the other two corners are around here - somewhere...
LotR ruins and Armorcast rocks. Excitement!

Do try to ignore the many, many assembled miniatures off to the sides - as usual, I talk about hobbies that I want to start, but then go haring off after something else entirely. Of course, terrain is generally quick and easy to paint and look good once you have the process down, so I feel like working on this stuff was time well spent. (Not to mention it makes the games look 100% better too!)

Time to push some miniatures from that 95% completion stage to the 100%.